While work is in progress and once work has been completed, storage of electronic records is a key
part of the content architecture puzzle. The primary issue in storage management is finding the right
balance between quick access, document integrity, and low storage cost. It is also critical that the
media types and lengths of retention in your storage strategy comply with applicable regulatory
requirements (NASD, SEC, FDA 21CFR11, Sarbanes Oxley, etc.) to insure trustworthy and reliable
digital information.
Software such as Hierarchical Storage Management moves electronic documents and data from high-speed
magnetic disk through a series of migrations and backups to slower, more durable and cost-effective
media such as tape and DVDs, and eventually to permanent WORM (write-once, read-many) optical disc
or magnetic storage.
CDMS has the expertise to map your storage requirements based on user needs, budgets, and information
technology architecture while ensuring that the plan meets applicable regulatory requirements.